Timpani Revision History
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- v35.238 February 20, 2006
- Fixes and corrections
- Fixed blank age on Char Sheet 1
- Made "Hide Extra Sheets" not hide additional sheets added by the user, as long as they're not named
"Mods", "Levels", or "...D"
- Disabled import of character weapon choices and sizes from v204 and earlier,
since no import is better than broken import
- Added warning when importing spell marks from v204 and earlier, since Cleric spell lists have changed
- Fixed formatting of certain racial special abilities on Char Sheet 2
- Fixed ShapeD and ClassD when new shapes and classes aren't sorted into their lists
- v35.237 January 2, 2006
- New features
- Added calculator for damaging items, including hardness, hit points, and damage type
- Improved Power Attack calculator
- Improved Ranger favored enemy selection
- Added racial natural armor information
- Added space/reach for races and special shapes
- Added initiative modifiers to temporary effects
- Added user-defined bonus levels for rogue sneak attack and special abilities
- Added racial conditional AC and attack bonuses to Char Sheet 1 (e.g., dwarven +4 vs. giants)
- Added various special and conditional racial and class abilities to the lists on Char Sheet 2
- Added conditional racial skill bonuses (e.g., dwarven stonecunning) to the Skills on Char Sheet 1
- Added conditional feat skill bonuses (e.g., Combat Casting) to the Skills on Char Sheet 1
- Added support for Weapon Finesse for druids in wildshape, when applicable
- Added racial skill modifiers for shape effects gained using Alter Self and other means
- Added a way to append custom weapon text instead of always overriding the calculated text
- Added indicator to spell sheet when character's ability is too low to cast a given level spell
- Improved comments and help explaining how to enter rings of protection, cloaks of resistance, and similar
items that provide bonuses
- Added skills with a Misc bonus to Level - Skills display when "Show All" is unchecked
- Many more small features and improvements
- Fixes and corrections
- Fixed Spell Focus
- Fixed Weapon Focus problems in certain uncommon situations
- Fixed druid animal companion levels
- Fixed certain animal companions that weren't displaying properly when chosen
- Corrected levels, components, and descriptions for several spells
- Fixed level requirements for Uncanny Dodge and Trapsense
- Added Improved Turning effects to turn checks on Char Sheet 2 and Mods - Checks
- Updated shape data to 3.5 SRD
- Fixed leopard natural weapon attack bonuses
- Corrected off-hand damage bonuses for monks fighting with two unarmed strikes
- Corrected monk unarmed strike level adjustment
- Improved display of long armor and weapon names on Char Sheet
- Added buckler -1 penalty to off-hand and two-handed attacks
- Made empty character name, campaign, etc. show as blank rather than "0".
- Clarified experience, class level, and ECL for characters with Level Adjustments
- Corrected load-reduced speed when not in a special shape
- Many more small fixes and corrections
- v35.204.1-v35.236
- Internal development and beta versions, not widely released
- v35.204 January 21, 2005
- New features
- Added natural attacks to weapon list and attack styles
- Added "Appropriate" to weapon size menu and set it as the default choice
- Added user-defined bonus levels for druid wildshape
- Added "Alternate Form" shape effect, which does not change HPs
- Improved support for Alter Self, including it with Polymorph and wildshape
- Improved support for wildshape and alternate forms (e.g., lycanthropy)
- Added support for Multi-Attack in multi-limbed forms
- Added Two-Weapon Defense to shield list
- Added clothing as armor
- Added warning for probably invalid armor materials (mithril wooden shields, etc.)
- Moved Speed to general effects
- Added speed boost to Haste specific effect, as well as possible
- Added Animal Growth and Longstrider to specific effects
- Improved display of Level - Feats list
- Rearranged Level - Class Info for smaller screens
- Fixes and corrections
- Updated Divine Favor to cap at +3, following latest WotC errata
- Updated Righteous Might, following latest errata
- Changed Sor/Wiz level of Stone Shape to 4, following latest errata
- Corrected levels, components, and descriptions for several spells
- Corrected level for paladin Divine Grace (bonus to saves)
- Added Bardic Knowledge synergy for Knowledge (History)
- Corrected alignment of Gruumsh
- Fixed racial limitations for some deities
- Fixed typo in wolf animal companion Survival bonus
- Corrected badger face size
- Removed low-light vision from halfling abilities
- Fixed Hide bonus for halflings and gnomes
- Corrected which abilities are granted with Polymorph
- Removed magical armor enhancements when wearing no armor
- Made dexterity penalties apply when flat-footed
- Fixed several errors in two-weapon fighting bonuses
- Fixed attack bonuses for two-weapon secondary with Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat
- Fixed incorrect interaction between Power Attack and Combat Expertise limits
- Fixed reduced speed calculation for armor and heavy loads
- Fixed DCs for domain spells that exist as both domain and class spells, but at different levels
- Fixed wording for Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat
- Corrected spelling of "hippogriff"
- Fixed occasional error with Show All checkbox on Mods - Effects page
- Limited remaining HP display on Mods - Wounds to Max HP
- Fixed display of skills after Use Rope in certain circumstances
- Suppressed x2 crit threat multipliers in stat block
- Fixed sorting of Exotic Weapon Proficiency etc. on feats list
- Corrected Feat display when feat was acquired without needing the usual prerequisites
- v35.192-v35.203
- Internal development and beta versions, not widely released
- v35.191 June 27, 2004
- Updated URL and email address
- Fixed skills display for Barbarians
- Fixed PC drop-down menu lengths for good
- Restored arcane spell failure for non-bards
- Made regular and conditional synergy (technically, unnamed) bonuses stack
- Made "Just Let Me Get Started" switch to active Level sheet
- Fixed importing characters using weapons that aren't Medium, as long as the files were exported from v191 or later
- Fixed class-level label definitions when importing a character file that uses a custom class
- Added color to "Select 1 more ___" or "Deselect 2 ___" messages
- Added explanatory comments to a few user data-entry fields
- Improved message when saving an export fails
- Corrected "Overwrite existing custom classes skills?" confirmation message
- Made import and export gracefully handle R1C1 reference style
- Improved the wording in the license
- v35.190
- Internal development version, not released to the public
- v35.189 June 2, 2004
- First widely distributed version
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Page last modified February 20, 2006.
"Timpani" and the drum logo are trademarks of Tim S. Cotter and Pamela L. Greene. "D&D" and "Dungeons & Dragons" are almost certainly
registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. It's entirely possible that "3.5e" is, too. Other trademarks
are the property of their respective owners. (Isn't that a bit tautological?)