![[Timpani logo]](timpani.jpg)
Timpani is a powerful, extensible, shareware cross-platform Excel spreadsheet tool for creating character sheets for D&D 3.5e.
Yes, Timpani will be out for 4.0! My own game is updating, and I don't relish the idea of playing without Timpani
either. :-) It'll be a while, though: it's a big change, and I didn't get the new books any earlier than anybody else. In fact, watch for an update
to Timpani for 3.5 first, as I put in all the final bug fixes before putting that version on the shelf.
The latest version of Timpani is 35.238, released February 20, 2006. The "35" means it's for 3.5e, and the number after that goes up by 1 with every
new version. You can read the revision history to see what's new this version.
Download Timpani now:
ZIP-compressed Timpani for 3.5e (.zip, best for Windows;
open with WinZip)
StuffIt-compressed Timpani for 3.5e (.sit, best for Macs;
open with StuffIt Expander)
(Still playing D&D 3e? You'll want to download the older Timpani for 3e instead, as a ZIPped 3e
or Stuffed 3e file.
It's not in active development anymore, but it's still good!)
Add-Ons and Data Files |
Register |
Screenshots |
Features |
You can import the following data files into your copy of Timpani by following the instructions on the Help page in the spreadsheet. If you have
Timpani export files with un-copyrighted or OGL data you'd like listed here, please let me know! (Note that the Eberron Campaign
Setting and the Complete ___ books are copyrighted and have not been released as Open Game Content. I'd love to distribute information
from them, but I can't.)
You can use PayPal with any credit card or bank account, even if you don't have (or want) a PayPal account.
The suggested registration fee is $15.00 (USD). (You can pay in other currencies, too.) If you can't afford that much, or you don't think
Timpani is worth the price of a movie and some popcorn, please feel free to send less. You can even register for free, just by sending an email
to the address in the spreadsheet. If you think it's worth more than $15, you're welcome to send more instead! Your registration is good for
as many characters as you want to create, and all future versions of Timpani.
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More About Timpani
These screenshots are of small windows, and they have been reduced in size for the Web. Of course they'll be bigger and more legible on your computer.
Character Sheet 1
Character Sheet 2
Spell Sheet
Bonuses, modifiers, spells, conditions and other effects
Spell Selection Sheet
Weapon data for customization
- Shareware. Download it, try it. If you like it, send us some money so we keep working on it, and so we have something to point to when our families and friends ask why we spend so much time on it.
- Character sheets, spell sheet, stat block
- Class-specific spell selection sheets
- Sheets suitable either for printing out or for using on your computer
- Choices for familiars, mounts, animal companions
- Complete weapon and armor selections, including two-weapon fighting, off-size weapons, rapid shot, manyshot, power attack, etc.
- Useful at-the-table pages
- Apply the effects of rage, wild shape; fatigue, polymorph, divine power, other spells and conditions; rings of protection, cloaks of resistance, other items; negative levels, stat drains, etc., including stacking and non-stacking bonuses
- Track wounds and healing
- Count arrows or wand charges
- Calculate jump, dispel magic, and turning checks
- Record treasure and experience gained
- Support for epic levels through level 50
- Customization
- Override most calculated values to support custom items and special abilities
- Easily add new races, classes, prestige classes, feats, spells, armor, weapons, etc. for your own game world
- Modify the core races, spells, etc. for your house rules
- Import/export
- Export character data to a small text file to send to someone else who uses Timpani
- Export custom game data to a text file to share with others who use Timpani
- Export data and re-import into a newer version of Timpani to update without retyping everything
- User's guide to creating a character and customizing the game data
- Active development. We're adding features (and fixing problems) regularly.
- Did I mention that it's shareware?
- A computer. Timpani has been tested on both PCs and Macs, but it'd be tricky to use it on an abacus.
- Microsoft Excel, with macros enabled. It's been tested on versions as old as Excel 97/98. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with StarOffice. I've
never tried it in OpenOffice, but it might work as long as you install the macros separately.
- About 5 MB of hard-drive space.
- A decent amount of memory. Not huge, but this isn't a small spreadsheet.
For announcements about new versions and other discussion, visit the
Timpani/Lute Google Group, or subscribe directly:
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Page last modified June 22, 2008.
"Timpani" and the drum logo are trademarks of Tim S. Cotter and Pamela L. Greene. "D&D" and "Dungeons & Dragons" are almost certainly
registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. It's entirely possible that "3.5e" is, too. Other trademarks
are the property of their respective owners. (Isn't that a bit tautological?)
To contact me, email timpani at the dndtools.com domain, or use the link on the Shareware tab
of any of the spreadsheets listed here. That address gets tons of spam, though, so please put "Timpani" or "Lute"
somewhere in your Subject so I'll notice it.