![[Lute logo]](lute.jpg)
Lute is a flexible, extensible, shareware cross-platform Excel spreadsheet tool for random treasure generation for D&D 3.5e.
A 3e version is also available.
The latest version of Lute for 3.5e is 1.1, released June 25, 2006. You can read the revision history to see what's new this version.
In particular, please note that v1.0 list DNAs for encounter treasure will give different results if you use them in v1.1, and the same for the other
way around. If you need to share an encounter treasure list between versions, copy the list itself rather than only the DNA.
Download Lute now:
ZIP-compressed Lute for 3.5e (.zip, best for Windows;
open with WinZip)
StuffIt-compressed Lute for 3.5e (.sit, best for Macs;
open with StuffIt Expander)
(Still playing D&D 3e? You'll want to download the older Lute for 3e instead, as a ZIPped 3e
or Stuffed 3e file.
It's not in active development anymore, but it's still good!)
Register |
Screenshots |
Features |
You can use PayPal with any credit card or bank account, even if you don't have (or want) a PayPal account.
The standard registration fee is $10.00 (USD). (You can pay in other currencies, too.) If you can't afford that much, or you don't think
Lute is worth it, please feel free to send less. If you think it's worth more, you're welcome to
send more instead! Your registration is good for all future versions of Lute.
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More About Lute
These screenshots are of small windows, and they have been reduced in size for the Web. Of course they'll be bigger and more legible on your computer.
General Options
Main Controls: Treasure by Type and EL, NPC Equipment
Weapon data for customization
Sample treasure-by-item lists, GM and players' versions (text)
- Shareware. Download it, try it. If you like it, send us some money so we keep working on it, and so we have something to point
to when our families and friends ask why we spend so much time on it.
- Choose allowed item types and sourcebooks
- Limit selected items by price
- Generate treasure for a hoard, items available at a merchant or in a town, treasure for a particular encounter level (EL),
or equipment for an NPC
- Recreate or redistribute previous treasure lists with a single, short "DNA" code
- Give players full identifications, limited information, or no identification at all
- Customize item probabilities, descriptions, and prices
- Add your own items and abilities
- User's guide to generating treasure and customizing the tool
- Did I mention that it's shareware?
- A computer. Lute has been tested on both PCs and Macs, but it'd be tricky to use it on an abacus.
- Microsoft Excel, with macros enabled. It's been tested on versions as old as Excel 97/98. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with StarOffice.
- About 1.5 MB of hard-drive space.
- A decent amount of memory. Not huge, but this isn't a small spreadsheet.
For announcements about new versions and other discussion, visit the
Timpani/Lute Google Group, or subscribe directly:
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Page last modified June 22, 2008.
"Lute" and the lute logo are trademarks Pamela L. Greene. "D&D" and "Dungeons & Dragons" are almost certainly
registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. It's entirely possible that "3.5e" is, too.
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (Isn't that a bit tautological?)
To contact me, email timpani at the domain, or use the link on the Shareware tab
of any of the spreadsheets listed here. That address gets tons of spam, though, so please put "Timpani" or "Lute"
somewhere in your Subject so I'll notice it.